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Longevity Industry
Analytical Framework

The Longevity Industry Analytical Framework is a comprehensive methodology developed by the Deep Knowledge Group and its subsidiary, the Aging Analytics Agency, to analyze and assess the longevity industry. The framework is the result of over 10 years of enhancement and adjustment, reflecting the extensive experience and expertise of the team behind it.

The framework is designed to evaluate the longevity industry across various dimensions, including scientific and technological advances, regulatory frameworks, investment and funding, market demand and adoption, and societal impact. It considers a range of factors and indicators within each of these dimensions, such as the quality and quantity of research and development, the availability of funding and investment, the level of public interest and awareness, and the potential impact on healthcare systems and society as a whole.

Analytical Framework
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Analytical Framework Teaser
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Coming soon
Full Documentation
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Coming soon

 Longevity Industry Framework 

Rejuvenation Biotechnology

Fundamental Research on Biology of Ageing

Biomarkers of Ageing and Biological Age


Scientific and Clinical Data Management

AI and ML Research Innovations

Personalized Diagnostics

Therapy Efficiency Monitoring

Age-Associated Diseases Management

Personalized in vivo and in silico Drug Testing

Preventive Procedures and Therapies

Telemedicine and AI in Clinical Practice

Elderly Life Management Tech




Age-Friendly Services and Apps 

Family Coordination Approaches

Entertainment for the Older Adults

Longevity Science

Longevity Science encompasses research and development aimed at understanding the biology of aging and developing interventions to extend healthy lifespan.

Longevity Medicine

Longevity Medicine is a field of medicine that focuses on prolonging healthy lifespan and delaying the onset of age-related diseases through preventative and therapeutic interventions.


AgeTech refers to the use of technology to improve the quality of life for older adults, including devices and services aimed at promoting health, social engagement, and independence.

Longevity Index 

Longevity Hedge 

Longevity Stock Exchange



Longevity Investment Bank

Longevity Finance

Longevity Finance refers to financial strategies and products aimed at addressing the financial challenges associated with increased lifespan, such as retirement planning and long-term care insurance.


National Healthcare Budgets

Longevity Development Strategies



Longevity-Progressive Nation-States

Longevity Governance

Longevity Governance refers to the policies and regulations needed to address the social and economic implications of increased lifespan, including retirement systems, healthcare systems, and workforce policies.


Healthcare as a Basic Human Right

Logistical Effects of Longevity

Civil Participation in Decision-Making


Age-Friendly Environment

Longevity Ethics

Longevity Ethics explores the ethical implications of increased lifespan and the use of interventions aimed at prolonging life, including issues related to access to healthcare, resource allocation, and end-of-life decision-making.

Access Longevity Investment Big Data Analytics System and Dashboard

The Dashboard is based on data provided by Aging Analytics Agency, which is active in the industry since 2013. The Dashboard has been designed to serve as a first-of-its-kind resource for knowledge-based, validated investment insights covering all Longevity Industry domains. The dashboard collects data on 50,000 longevity companies, 12,000 investors and aggregates more than 18.5 million data points.

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